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The palaeo-environement papers and books listed here are those which have a direct impact on our archaeological work. All other titles with limited interest, though perhaps major works for specialists, are not taken into account.

- ADEGBIE (A.T.), 2001, Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions in equatorial Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea basins for the last 245,000 years, PhD thesis, University of Bremen.

- ADEGBIE (A.T.), SCHNEIDER (R.R.), RÖHL (U.) & WEFER (G.), 2003, Glacial millennial-scale fluctuations in central African precipitation recorded in terrigenous sediment supply and freshwater signals offshore Cameroon, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 197, 3-4, pp.323-333.

- ADESANYA ADELEYE (M.), CONNOR (S.E.) & HABERLE (S.G.), 2021, A quantitative synthesis of Holocene vegetation change in Nigeria (Western Africa), The Holocene, 31, 11-12, pp. 1681-1689.

- ALEMAN (J.), 2013, Structure de la végétation en Afrique centrale : rôles des forçages anthropiques et naturels, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Montpellier 2.

- ALEMAN (J.), BLARQUEZ (O.), BENTALEB (I.), BONTÉ (P.), BROSSIER (B.), CARCAILLET (C.), GOND (V.), GOURLET-FLEURY (S.), KPOLITA (A.), LEFÈVRE (I.), OSLISLY (R.), POWER (M.J.), YONGO (O.), BREMOND (L.) & FAVIER (C.), 2013, Tracking land-cover changes with sedimentary charcoal in the Afrotropics, The Holocene 23: 1853-1862.

- ALEMAN (J.C.), BLARQUEZ (O.), ELENGA (H.), PAILLARD (J.), KIMPUNI (V.), ITOUA (G.), ISSELE (G.) & STAVER (A.C.), 2019, Palaeo-trajectories of forest savannization in the southern Congo, Biology Letters, 15: 20190284.

- ALEMAN (J.), BLARQUEZ (O.), GOURLET-FLEURY (S.), BREMOND (L.) & FAVIER (C.), 2017, Tree cover in Central Africa: determinants and sensitivity under contrasted scenarios of global change, Scientific Reports, 7, 41393; doi: 10.1038/srep41393.

- ALEMAN (J.C.) & FAYOLLE (A.), 2020, Long-Term Vegetation Change in Central Africa: The Need for an Integrated Management Framework for Forests and Savannas, In: GASPARATOS (A.), AHMED (A.), NAIDOO (M.), KARANJA (A.), FUKUSHI (K.), SAITO (O.) & TAKEUCHI (K.) (eds.), Sustainability Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa I, Continental Perspectives and Insights from Western and Central Africa, Springer, Singapore, pp. 281-315.

- ALEMAN (J.), JARZYNA (M.A.) & STAVER (A.C.), 2018, Forest extent and deforestation in tropical Africa since 1900, Nature Ecology & Evolution 2(1): 26-33.

- ALEMAN (J.), LEYS (B.), APEMA (R.), BENTALEB (I.), DUBOIS (M.A.), LAMBA (B.), LEBAMBA (J.), MARTIN (C.), NGOMANDA (A.), TRUC (L.), YANGAKOLA (J.-M.), FAVIER (C.) & BREMOND (L.), 2012, Reconstructing savanna tree cover from pollen, phytoliths and stable carbon isotopes, Journal of Vegetation Science, 23, 1, pp. 187-197.

- ALEMAN (J.C.), SAINT-JEAN (A.), LEYS (B.), CARCAILLET (C.), FAVIER (C.), & BREMOND (L.), 2013, Estimating phytolith influx in lake sediments, Quaternary Research, 80, 2, pp. 341-347.

- ALEXANDRE (A.), MEUNIER (J.-D.), LÉZINE (A.-M.), VINCENS (A.) & SCHWARTZ (D.), 1997, Phytoliths: indicators of grassland dynamics during the late Holocene in intertropical Africa, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 136, pp. 213–229.

- ALEXANDRE (J.), ALONI (K.) & De DAPPER (M.), 1994, Géomorphologie et variations climatiques au Quaternaire en Afrique Centrale, In ALEXANDRE (J.), De DAPPER (M.) & SYMOENS (J.-J.), eds., Climatic change and geomorphology in tropical environments, Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, Bruxelles, pp. 167-205.

- ASSI-KAUDJHIS (C.), LEZINE (A-M.) & ROCHE (E.), 2008. Dynamique de la végétation d'altitude en Afrique centrale atlantique depuis 17000 ans BP. Analyses préliminaires de la carotte de Bambili (Nord-Ouest du Cameroun). Geo-Eco-Trop 32: 131-143.

- ASSI-KAUDJHIS (C.), 2011, Dynamique des écosystèmes et biodiversité des montagnes du Cameroun au cours des derniers 20 000 ans. Analyse palynologique d'une série sédimentaire du lac Bambili, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Liège, 170 pages.

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- BAYON (G.), DENNIELOU (B.), ETOUBLEAU (J.), PONZEVERA (E.), TOUCANNE (S.) & BERMELL (S.), 2012, Intensifying weathering and land use in Iron Age Central Africa, Science, 335, 9 February 2012, 1219-1222.

    MALEY (J.), GIRESSE (P.), DOUMENGE (C.) & FAVIER (C.), 2012, Comment on "Intensifying weathering and land use in Iron Age Central Africa", Science, 337 (6098), 1040, 31 August 2012.

    NEUMANN (K.), EGGERT (M.K.H.), OSLISLY (R.), CLIST (B.), DENHAM (T.), de MARET (P.), OZAINNE (S.), HILDEBRAND (E.), BOSTOEN (K.), SALZMANN (U.), SCHWARTZ (D.), EICHHORN (B.), TCHIENGUE (B.) & HÖHN (A.), 2012, Comment on “Intensifying Weathering and Land Use in Iron Age Central Africa”, Science, 337, 1040c, 31 August 2012.

    BAYON (G.), DENNIELOU (B.), ETOUBLEAU (J.), PONZEVERA (E.), TOUCANNE (S.) & BERMELL (S.), 2012, Response to Comments on "Intensifying Weathering and Land Use in Iron Age Central Africa", Science, 337, 31 August 2012, p.1040.

- BAYON (G.), SCHEFUß (E.), DUPONT (L.), BORGES (A.V.), DENNIELOU (B.), LAMBERT (TH.), MOLLENHAUER (G.), MONIN (L.), PONZEVERA (E.), SKONIECZNYA (C.) & ANDRÉ (L.), 2019, The roles of climate and human land-use in the late Holocene rainforest crisis of Central Africa, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 505, pp.30-41.

- BENGO (M.), 1996, La sédimentation pollinique dans le sud-Cameroun et sur la plateforme marine à l'époque actuelle et au Quaternaire récent : études des paléoenvironnements, Thèse de Doctorat, Géologie et paléontologie, Université de Montpellier 2, 230 pages.

- BENGO (M.) & MALEY (J.), 1991, Analyses des flux pollinitiques sur la marge sud du Golfe de Guinée depuis 135000 ans, Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, 313, 843e849.

- BENTALEB (I.), FREYCON (V.), GILLET (J.-F.), OSLISLY (r.), BREMOND (L.), FAVIER (C.), FONTUGNE (M.), DROISSART (V.), GOURLET-FLEURY (S.), GUILLOU (G.), MARTIN (C.), MORIN-RIVAT (J.), NGOMANDA (A.), de SAULIEU (G.), DEBAG (D.), SUBITANI (S.), WONKAM (C.) & NGEUTCHOUA (G.), 2015, Did the savannah " flourished " 3000 years ago in the so-called Sangha River Interval of the Guineo-Congolian rainforest ? A retrospective study using stable isotopes and phytoliths, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17.

- BERTAUX (J.), SCHWARTZ (D.), VINCENS (A.), SIFEDDINE (A.), ELENGA (H.), MANSOUR (M.), MARIOTTI (A.), FOURNIER (M.), MARTIN (L.), WIRRMANN (D.) & SERVANT (M.), 2000, Enregistrements de la phase sèche d'Afrique centrale vers 3000 ans BP par la spectrométrie IR dans les lacs Sinnda et Kitina (Sud Congo), In SRERVANT (M.) & SERVANT-VILDARY (S.) eds. Dynamique à long terme des écosystèmes forestiers intertropicaux, IRD/UNESCO/MAB/CNRS, Paris, pp. 43-49.

- BIWOLÉ (A.B.), HARDY (O.J.) & DOUCET (J.-L.), 2023, Histoire récente de la forêt littorale du sud du Cameroun, Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14.

- BIWOLÉ (A.B.), MORIN-RIVAT (J.), FAYOLLE A.), BITONDO (D.), DEDRY (L.), DAINOU (K.), HARDY (O.J.) & DOUCET (J.-L.), 2015, New data on the recent history of the littoral forests of southern Cameroon : an insight into the role of historical human disturbances on the current forest composition, Plant Ecology and Evolution, 148 (1), pp. 19-28.

- BONNEFILLE (R.), 1987, Evolution forestière et climatique au Burundi durant les quarante derniers milliers d’années, Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, série II, 305: 1021-1026.

- BONNEFILLE (R.), 2011, Rainforest responses to past climatic changes in tropical Africa, In BUSH (M.B.), FLENLEY (J.R.) & GOSLING (W.D.) eds., Tropical rainforest responses to climatic change, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp.125.184.

- BONNEFILLE (R.) & CHALIÉ (F.), 2000, Pollen-inferred precipitation timeseries from equatorial mountains, Africa, the last 40 kyr BP, Global Planet. Change, 26, pp.25–50.

- BONNEFILLE (R.) & RIOLLET (G.), 1988, The Kashiru pollen sequence (Burundi), Palaeoclimatic implications for the last 40,000 yr. B.P. in tropical Africa, Quaternary Research, 30, pp.19–35.

- BONNEFILLE (R.), RIOLLET (G.), BUCHET (G.), ICOLE (M.), LAFONT (R.), ARNOLD (M.), & JOLLY (D.), 1995. Glacial /Interglacial record from intertropical africa, High resolution pollen and carbon data et Rusaka, Burundi. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 14, pp.917-936.

- BOUIMETARHANL (I.), DUPONT (L.), REDDAD (H.), BAQLOUL (A.) & LÉZINE (A.-M.), 2021, Vegetation response to millennial- and orbital-scale climate changes in Africa:A view from the Ocean, In RUNGE (J.), GOSLING (W.D.), LÉZINE (A.-M.) & SCOTT (L.) eds., Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics: The African Pollen Database, Palaeoecology of Africa: International Yearbook of Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironments, CRC Press, London, pp. 349-372.

- BOURGOIN (V.), REYRE (D.), MAGLOIRE (P.) & KRICHEWSKY (x.), 1963, Les canyons sous-marins du Cap Lopez, Cahiers d'Océanographie, 15, pp. 372-387.

- BREMOND (L.), BODIN (S.C.), BENTALEB (I.), FAVIER (C.) & CANAL (S.), 2017, Past tree cover of the Congo basin recovered by phytoliths and d13C along soil profiles, Quaternary International, 434, pp.91-101.

- BREMOND (L.), OSLISLY (R.), SEBAG (D.), BENTALEB (I.), FAVIER (C.), HENGA-BOTSIKABOBE (K.), MVOUBOU (M.), NGOMANDA (A.), de SAULIEU (G.) and Ecotrop Team, 2021, Establishment and functioning of the savanna marshes of the Lopé National Park in Gabon since the termination of the African humid period and the arrival of humans 2500 years ago, The Holocene, 31(7), pp. 1186-1196.

- BRÉNAC, P., 1988. Evolution de la végétation et du climat dans l’Ouest-Cameroun entre 25000 et 11000 ans BP, in Actes Xème Symposium Association Palynologues Langue Francaise. Travaux de la Section des Sciences & Techiques de l'Institut Français de Pondichéry, 25, pp.91-103.

- BRNCIC (T. M.), WILLIS (K.J.), HARRIS (D.J.) & WASHINGTON (R.), 2007. Culture or climate? The relative influences of past processes on the composition of the lowland Congo rainforest. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B Biological Sciences,, 362, pp.229-242.

- BRNCIC (T.M.), WILLIS (K. J.), HARRIS (D. J.), TELFER (W. M.) & BAILEY (R.M.), 2009. Fire and climate change impacts on lowland forest composition in northern Congo during the last 2580 years from palaeoecological analyses of a seasonally flooded swamp. The Holocene, 19, 1, pp.79-89.

- BROOK (G.D.), BRUNEY (G.D.) & COWART (J.B.), 1990, Paleoenvironmental data for Ituri, Zaire, from sediments in Matupi Cave, Mt. Hoyo. In BOAZ (N.T.) (Ed.), Evolution of environments and Hominidae in the African western Rift Valley (Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir No. 1) (pp. 49–70). Springfield: Philipps Press.

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- CAHEN (D.) & MOEYERSONS (J.), 1977, Subsurface movements of Stone Artefacts and their Implications for the Prehistory of Central Africa, Nature, 266, pp. 812-815.

- CAHEN (D.) & MORTELMANS (G.), 1973, Un site tshitolien sur le plateau des Bateke (République du Zaire), Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, n°81, Tervuren [contributions by R. Dechamps (anthracology: pages 19-20), J. Moeyersons (geomorphology: pages 8-18), E. Roche (palynology: page 43)].

- CARATINI (C.) & GIRESSE (P.), 1979. Contribution palynologique à la connaissance des environnements continentaux et marins du Congo à la fin du Quaternaire. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 288 D, pp.379-382.

- CATRAIN (M.), LÉZINE (A.-M.), TURCQ (B.), DESJARDINS (T.), MANDENG-YOGO (M.), CETIN (F.) & ACHOUNDONG (G.), 2023, Vulnerability of the savannahs of central Africa facing the last millennium climate: Insight from Lake Petpenoun (Cameroon) pollen, charcoal and carbon isotope record, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 313, June,

- CERLING (T.E.), HART (J.A.) & HART (T.B.), 2004, Stable isotope ecology in the Ituri Forest. Oecologia, 138: 5–12.

- CLIST (B.), 2006, Mise en évidence dans le nord-ouest du Gabon de la présence de l'homme au sein des forêts d'âge Holocène, Journal of African Archaeology, 4, 1, pp.143-152.

- COLLINS (J.A.), PRANGE (M.), CALEY (T.), GIMENO (L.), BECKMANN (B.), MULITZA (S.), SKONIECZNY (C.), ROCHE (D.) & SCHEFUß (E.), 2017, Rapid termination of the African Humid Period triggered by northern high-latitude cooling, Nature Communications, 8, 1372, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01454-y. (analysis of core GeoB4905-4 off Cameroon).

- COLLINS (J.A.), SCHEFUß (E.), MULITZA (S.), PRANGE (M.), WERNER (M.), THARAMMAL (T.), PAUL (A.), WEFER (G.), 2013, Estimating the hydrogen isotopic composition of past precipitation using leaf-waxes from western Africa, Quaternary Science Reviews, 65, pp. 88-101.

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- DALIBARD (M.), POPESCUA (S.-M.), MALEY (J.), BAUDIN (F.), MELINTE-DOBRINESCUE (M.-C.), PITTET (B.), MARSSET (T.), DENNIELOU (B.), DROZ (L.), SUC (J.-P.), 2014, High-resolution vegetation history of West Africa during the last 145 ka, Geobios, 47 (4), pp.183-198.

- DANIAU (A.-L.), DESPRAT (S.), ALEMAN (J.), BREMOND (L.), DAVIS (B.), FLETCHER (W.), MARLON (J.R.), MARQUER (L.), MONTADE (V.), MORALES-MOLINO (C.), NAUGHTON (F.), RIUS (D.) & URREGO (D.H.), 2019, Terrestrial plant microfossils in palaeoenvironmental studies, pollen, microcharcoal and phytolith. Towards a comprehensive understanding of vegetation, fire and climate changes over the past one million years, Revue de Micropaléontologie, 63, pp.1-35.

- DECHAMPS (R.), GUILLET (B.) & SCHWARTZ (D.), 1988, Découverte d'une flore forestière mi-Holocène conservée in situ sur le littoral ponténégrin (R.P. du Congo), Comptes rendus de l'académie des sciences de Paris, 306, II, pp.615-618.

- DECHAMPS (R.), LANFRANCHI (R.), LE COCQ (A.) & SCHWARTZ (D.), 1988, Reconstitution d'environnements Quaternaires par l'étude de macrorestes végétaux. (Pays Bateke, R.P. du Congo), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 66 (1988): 33-44.

- DELÈGUE (A.-M.), FUHR (M.), SCHWARTZ (D.), MARIOTTI (A.) & NASI (R.), 2001, Recent origin of a large part of the forest cover in the Gabon coastal area based on stable carbon isotope data, Oecologia, 129, pp. 106-113.

- DELIBRIAS (G.), GIRESSE (P.) & KOUYOUMONTZAKIS (G.), 1973, Géochronologie des divers stades de la transgression holocène au large du Congo, Compte-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, 276, pp. 1389-1391.

- DELIBRIAS (G.), GIRESSE (P.), LANFRANCHI (R.) & LE COCQ (A.), 1983, Datation de dépôts holorganiques quaternaires sur la bordure occidentale de la cuvette congolaise (R.P. du Congo) corrélations avec les sédiments côtiers voisins, Compte-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, 296, II, pp.463-466.

- DESJARDINS (T.), TURCQ (B.), LÉZINE (A.-M.), NGUETNKAM (J.P.), MANDENG-YOGO (M.), CETIN (F.) & ACHOUNDONG (G.), 2020, The origin of the forest-grassland mosaic of central Cameroon: What we learn from the isotopic geochemistry of soil organic matter, The Holocene, 30, 10, pp. 1391-1399.

- DESJARDINS (T.), TURCQ (B.), NGUETNKAM (J.P.), ACHOUNDONG (G.), MANDENG-YOGO (M.), CETIN (F.) & LÉZINE (A.-M.), 2013, δ13C variation of soil organic matter as an indicator of vegetation change during the Holocene in central Cameroon, Comptes Rendus Geoscience 345(7–8), pp. 266–271.

- DE PLOEY (J.), 1964, Cartographie géomorphologique et morphogenèse aux environs du Stanley-Pool (Congo), Acta Geographica Lovaniensia, 3, pp. 431–441.

- DE PLOEY (J.), 1965, Position géomorphologique, genèse et chronologie de certains dépôts superficiels du Congo occidental, Quaternaria, 7, pp. 131–154.

- DE PLOEY (J.), 1969, Report on the Quaternary of the western Congo, Palaeoecology of Africa, 4, pp.65-68.

- DUPONT (L.M.), 2011, Orbital scale vegetation change in Africa, Quat. Sci. Rev., 30, 3589e3602.

- DUPONT (L.M.) & AGWU (C.O.C.), 1992, Latitudinal shifts of forest and savanna in N. W. Africa during the Brunhes chron: further marine palynological results from site M 16415 (9.N, 19.W), Veg. Hist. Archaeobot., 1, 163e175.

- DUPONT (L.M.) & BEHLING (H.), 2006, Land-sea linkages during deglaciation: High-resolution records from the eastern Atlantic off the coast of Namibia and Angola (ODP site 1078), Quaternary International, 148, pp.19–28.

- DUPONT (L.M.), BEHLING (H.), JAHNS (S.), MARRET (F.) & KIM (J.-H.), 2007, Variability in glacial and Holocene marine pollen records offshore from west southern Africa, Veg. Hist. Archaeobot., 16, pp.87–100.

- DUPONT (L.M.), BEHLING (H.) & KIM (J.-H.), 2008, Thirty thousand years of vegetation development and climate change in Angola (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1078), Climate of the Past, 4, pp.107–124.

- DUPONT (L.M.), BEUG (H.J.), STALLING (H.) & TIEDEMANN (R.), 1989, First palynological results from site 658 at 21.N off northwest Africa: pollen as climate indicators, In RUDDIMAN (W.), SARNTHEIM (M.), et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, pp. 93e111.

- DUPONT (L.M.), JAHNS (S.), MARRET (F.) & NING (S.), 2000, Vegetation change in equatorial West Africa: time-slices for the last 150 ka, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 155, 95e122

- DUPONT (L.M.), SCHMÜSER (A.), JAHNS (S.) & SCHNEIDER (R.), 1999, Marine - terrestrial interaction of climate changes in West Equatorial Africa of the last 190,000 years, Palaeoecology of Africa, 26, pp. 61-84.

- DUPONT (L.M.) & WEINELT (M.), 1996, Vegetation history of the savanna corridor between the Guinean and the Congolian rain forest during the last 150,000 years, Veg. Hist. Archaeobot., 5, 273e292.

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- ELENGA (H.), 1992. Végétation et climat du Congo depuis 24 000 ans B.P. Analyse palynologique de séquences sédimentaires du pays Bateke et du littoral. Thèse de doctorat, Université Aix-Marseille III, 238 pages.

- ELENGA (H.), MALEY (J.), VINCENS (.) & FARRERA (I.), 2004, Palaeoenvironments, Palaeoclimates and Landscape development in Central Equatorial Africa. A review of major terrestrial keys sites covering the last 25 kyrs, . In BATTARBEE (R.W.), GASSE (F.) & STICKLEY (C.E.) éds., Past climate variability through Europe and Africa, Kluwer Academical Press, pp.181-198.

- ELENGA, H., PEYRON, O., BONNEFILLE, R., JOLLY, D., CHEDDADI, R., GUIOT, J., ANDRIEU, V., BOTTEMA, S., BUCCHET, G., de BEAULIEU, J-L., HAMILTON, A., C., MALEY, J., MARCHANT, R., PEREZ-OBIOL, R., REILLE, M., RIOLLET, G., SCOTT, L., STRAKA, H., TAYLOR, D., VAN CAMPO, E., VINCENS, A., LAARIF, F. & JONSON, H., 2000. Pollen-based biome reconstruction for southern Europe and Africa 18,000 yr BP. Journal of Biogeography, 27, pp.621-634.

- ELENGA (H.), SCHWARTZ (D.) & VINCENS (A.), 1992, Changements climatiques et action anthropique sur le littoral congolais au cours de l’Holocène. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 163, 1, pp.83-90.

- ELENGA (H.), SCHWARTZ (D.) & VINCENS (A.), 1994, Pollen evidence of Late Quaternary vegetation and inferred climate changes in Congo, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 109, pp.354-356.

- ELENGA (H.), SCHWARTZ (D.), VINCENS (A.), BERTAUX (J.), NAMUR (, ARTIN (L.), WIRRMANN (D.) & SERVANT (M.), 1996, Diagramme pollinique Holocène du lac Kitina (Congo): mise en évidence de changements climatiques dans le massif forestier du Mayombe, Comptes-rendus de l’académie des sciences de Paris, 323, IIa, pp.403-410

- ELENGA (H.) & VINCENS (A.), 1990. Paléoenvironnements quaternaires récents des plateaux Bateke (Congo) : étude palynologique des dépôts de la dépression du bois de Bilanko. Faunes, Flores, Paléoenvironnements continentaux. In : Paysages Quaternaires de l'Afrique Centrale Atlantique. ORSTOM : pp.271-282.

- ELENGA (H.), VINCENS (A.) & SCHWARTZ (D.), 1991, Présence d’éléments forestiers montagnards sur les plateaux Batéké (Congo) au Pléistocène supérieur : nouvelles données palynologiques. Palaeoecology of Africa. 22, pp.239-252.

- ELENGA (H.), VINCENS (A.), SCHWARTZ (D.), FABING (A.), BERTAUX (J.), WIRRMANN (D.), MARTIN (L.) & SERVANT (M.), 2001. Le marais estuarien de la Songolo (Sud Congo) à l'Holocène moyen et récent. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 172, 3, pp.359-366.

- ELOUGA (M.) & WIRRMANN (D.), 1998, Lac Ossa : recherches paléo-environnementales et découverte d'un site archéologique, in DELNEUF (M.), ESSOMBA (J.M.) & FROMENT (A.) éds., Paléo-anthropologie en Afrique centrale. Un bilan de l'archéologie au Cameroun, Atelier National de l'Université Yaoundé I et du Réseau PALEANTHRAC (24-27 novembre 1994, Yaoundé), l'Harmattan, Paris, pp.151-155.

- EISENBERG (J.), 2008, A palaeoecological approach to neotectonics: the geomorphic evolution of the Ntem River in and below its interior delta, SW Cameroon, Palaeoecology of Africa, 28, pp. 259–271.

- EISENBERG (J.), 2009, Morphogenese der Flusseinzugsgebiete von Nyong und Ntem in Süd-Kamerun unter Berücksichtigung neotektonischer Vorgänge, PhD thesis, J.W. Goethe-University Frankfurt.

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- FABING (A.), 1995. Contribution à la connaissance des paléoenvironnements holocènes du Sud-Congo: étude par spectrométrie infrarouge de la carotte S2 (marais de la Songolo, Pointe Noire). Mémoire de Maîtrise de Géographie, Université de Strasbourg, 92 pages.

- FABING (A.), 1996, Comparaison des enregistrements palynologiques et isotopiques du 13C de quelques lacs et tourbières d'Afrique Centrale, Mémoire de DEA "Systèmes spatiaux et Environnement", Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 140 pages.

- FREDOUX (A.), 1994, Pollen analysis of a deep-sea core in the Gulf of Guinea: vegetation and climatic changes during the last 225,000 years B.P., Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 109, 317e330.

- FREDOUX (A.) & TASTET (J.P.), 1988, Stratigraphie pollinique et paléoclimatologie de la marge septentrionale du Golfe de Guinée depuis 200.000 ans, Trav. Scet. Sci. Tech. Inst. Franç. Pondichéry, 25, pp.175-183.

- FREDOUX (A.), TASTET (J.P.), MALEY (J.) & GUILMETTE (C.), 1989, Caractérisation palynologique du stade isotopique 5 et présence de Podocarpus latifolius en Côte d'Ivoire au Pléistocène supérieur, 1er Symposium de Palynologie Africaine, Rabat.

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