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- ARAZI (N.), MATONDA (I.), MULUMBWA LUNA O.) LIVINGSTONE SMITH (A., 2024, Kasongo-Tongoni: a nineteenth-century caravan town in Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 1–23. [DRC].

- BREMOND (L.), ALEMAN (J.C.), FAVIER (C.), BLARQUEZ (O.), COLOMBAROLI (D.), CONNOR (S.E.), CORDOVA (C.E.), COURTNEY-MUSTAPHI (C.), DABENGWA (A.N.), GIL-ROMERA (G.), GOSLING (W.D.), HAMILTON (T.), MONTADE (V.), Andriantsilavo H.I. RAZAFIMANANTSOA (A.H.I.), POWER (M.J.), RAZANATSOA (E.), YABI (I.), VANNIÈRE (B.), GPD contributors, 2024, Past fire dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa during the last 25,000 years: Climate change and increasing human impacts, Quaternary International. [Paleo].

- CORNELISSEN (E.), 2024, The Stone Age of the Congo Basin, Oxford Research Encyclopedias, African History, [Region].

- COUTROS (P.R.), MATONDA (I.), DOMAN (J.H.), PACHIAROTTI (S.), MESFIN (I.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2024, The beginning of the Iron Age south of the Congo rainforest: the first archaeological investigations around Idiofa (Congo), c. 146 BC – AD 1648, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 59, Published online: 12 Jan 2024. [DRC]

- EPOSSI NTAH (Z.L.) & CULTRONE (G.), 2024, Chemical, mineralogical and physical study of Late Iron Age ceramics from Nditam: Cameroon (West central Africa), Heritage Science, 12:6. [Cameroon].

- JUNGNICKEL (K.V.M.), SEIDENSTICKER (D.), HUBAU (W.), MEES (F.), CORNELISSEN (E.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2024, The Late Pleistocene and Holocene chronocultural and anthracological open-air sequence from Mukila (DRC), Quaternary Science Reviews, 337, 1 August 2024, 108752. [DRC].

- MOUNIER (M.) VILLOTTE (S.), KACKI (S.), MORA (P.), ESPINASSE (L.), ZAMKE DEMPAYO (J.), GERIN (C.), MEUNIER (Q.) & OSLISLY (R.), 2024, Population affinities in pre-colonial West Africa: The case of the burial cave Iroungou (Gabon, 14th–15th century CE), American Journal of Bological Anthropology. [Gabon].

- MOUTELET BOUGHAMA (B.B.), 2024, Les occupations humaines au néolithique de l'Estuaire du Gabon, Master 2 Thesis, Université de Strasbourg. [Gabon].

- NIEBLAS RAMIREZ (L.), NDJONDJO MANGA (J.-P.), MAYO ILODIRI (W.), KOMBA YENDEMA (M.), VUTSEME SOKONI (L.), ILOMBELOMBE WEMBOLA (O.), CHAMPION (L.), NIKIS (N.), RICQUIER (B.) & LIVINGSTONE SMITH (A.), 2024, Mission 2023 du projet Banturivers dans la province de la Tshopo (RDC) : prospections et sondages le long du fleuve Congo et de la rivière Lomami, Nyame Akuma, 101, 60-67.[DRC].

- PADILLA-IGLESIAS (C.), BLANCO-PORTILLO (J.), PRICOP (B.), IOANNIDIS (A.G.), BICKEL (B.), MANICA (A.), VINICIUS (L.), & BAMBERG MIGLIANO (A.) , 2024, Deep history of cultural and linguistic evolution among Central African hunter-gatherers, Nature Human Behaviour. [Region]

- SEIDENSTICKER (D.), 2024, Pikunda-Munda and Batalimo-Maluba, African Archaeological Review, 41, published online March 28, 2024.[Congo, DRC]

- TAYLOR (N.), 2024, 'What sort of thing is an elephant?' Reviewing the evidence for a 'generic' MSA in Central Africa, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 59, 1, pp.53-75. [Region].

- VAN ACKER (S.), PACCHIAROTTI (S.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2024, The Introduction of Sugarcane in West-Central Africa: Insights from Comparative Bantu Word Histories, Nordic Journal of African Studies, 33, 1: 16-45. [Region].


- ANGUE ZOGO (M.J.), MESFIN (I.), PLEURDEAU (D.) & de SAULIEU (G.), 2023, Le core-axe, un outil tropical à redéfinir : nouvelles données des collections Middle Stone Age de Nzako, République centrafricaine, l'Anthropologie, 127, 5, 103194. [CAR].

- AYMERIC-NSANGOU (J.), de AVILEZ ROCHA (G.) & WHEAT (D.), 2023, Preliminary archaeological survey in São Tomé, Nyame Akuma, 99, pp.58-63. [São Tomé and Principe].

- BIRD (N.), ORMOND (L.), AWAH (P.), CALDWELL (E.F.), CONNELL (B.), ELAMIN (M.), FADLELMOLA (F.M.), FOMINE (F.L.M.), LÓPEZ (S.), MACEACHERN (S.), MOÑINO (Y.), MORRIS (S.), NÄSÄNEN-GILMORE (P.), NKETSIA (N.K.), VEERAMAH (K.), WEALEL (M.E.), ZEITLYN (D.), THOMAS (M.G.), BRADMAN (N.) & HELLENTHALL (G.), 2023, Dense sampling of ethnic groups within African countries reveals fine-scale genetic structure and extensive historical admixture, Science Advances, 9, eabq2616, Published online 29 March 2023. [Region, Genes].

- BIWOLÉ (A.B.), HARDY (O.J.) & DOUCET (J.-L.), 2023, Histoire récente de la forêt littorale du sud du Cameroun, Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14. [Cameroon, Paleo]

- CATRAIN (M.), LÉZINE (A.-M.), TURCQ (B.), DESJARDINS (T.), MANDENG-YOGO (M.), CETIN (F.) & ACHOUNDONG (G.), 2023, Vulnerability of the savannahs of central Africa facing the last millennium climate: Insight from Lake Petpenoun (Cameroon) pollen, charcoal and carbon isotope record, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 313, June, [Paleo].

- CLIST (B.), BÉAREZ (Ph.), MOUGNE (C.), LESUR (J.), HUBAU (W.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2023, First archaeological excavations along the Atlantic Ocean coastline of the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Iron Age sites at Muanda, African Archaeological Review, 4. Published online 19 July 2023. [DRC, Region].

- CLIST (B.), DENBOW (J.) & LANFRANCHI (R.), 2023, Using the radiocarbon dates of Central Africa for studying long-term demographic trends of the last 50,000 years: potential and pitfalls, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 28(2), pp. 235-293. [Region].

- CORNELISSEN (E.), 2023, Challenges and Opportunities during the Last Glacial Maximum at the Forest Margins in Central Africa, in LESUR (J.), CAULIEZ (J.), KHALIDI (L.), BRUXELLES (L.), CREVECOEUR (I.), PLEURDEAU (D.), TRIBOLO (C.) & BON (F.) (Dirs.), From the Big Dry to the Holocene in Eastern Africa and beyond, Séances de la Société préhistorique française n°20 (2019), Société préhistorique française, Paris, pp.143-158. [Region].

- COSTA (M.), BARRULAS (P.), LOPES (M.), BARREIRA (J.), JESUS (M.), DOMINGOS (S.), VANDENABEELE (P.), MIRÃO (J.), 2023, Personal adornments in West-Central Africa—the case study of a talc bead from the Kongo Kingdom (Mbanza Kongo, Angola), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15, 22, Published online 7 February 2023. [Angola].

- COUTROS (P.R.), MATONDA SAKALA (I.), MABUAKA DUKI (A.), NKANU TSATSA (I.) & BOSTOEN (K.), 2023, The BantuFirst project: 2022 fieldwork report on the Kwilu-Kasai River reconnaissance and Mashita Mbanza excavations (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Nyame Akuma, 99, pp. 29-34. [DRC].

- de SAULIEU (G.), NLEND NLEND (P.) & OSLISLY (R.), 2023, Les Bantous dans la forêt des Pygmées, Pour la Science, 545, pp. 58-65. [Region].

- FERNANDES (B.), Garcês (S.) & OOSTERBEEK (L.), 2023, The rock art of Caraculo, Namibe province, Angola, l'Anthropologie, 127, 5, 103212. [Angola].

- FORTES-LIMA (C.A.), BURGARELLA (C.), HAMMARÉN (R.), ERIKSSON (A.), VICENTE (M.), JOLLY (C.), SEMO (A.), GUNNINCK (H.), PACCHIAROTTI (S.), MUNDEKE (L.), MATONDA (I.), KONI MULUWA (J.), COUTROS (P.), NYAMBE (T.S.), CIKOMOLA (C.), COETZEE (V.), de CASTRO (M.), EBBESEN (P.), DELANGHE (J.), STONEKING (M.), BARHAM (L.), LOMBARD (M.), MEYER (A.), STEYN (M.), MALMSTRÖM (H.), ROCHA (J.), SOODYALL (H.), PAKENDORF (B.), BOSTOEN (K.) & SCHLEBUSCH (C.M.), 2023, The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa, Nature, Published online: 29 November 2023. [Region, Genes].

- GIRESSE (P.), MALEY (J.) & CHEPSTOW-LUSTY (A.), 2023, A focus on the last 1000 years of natural environmental changes in the tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa. Can we detect anthropogenic disturbances?, Global and Planetary Change, 220. [Region, Paleo].

- GROLLEMUND (R.), SCHOENBRUN (D.) & VANSINA (J.), 2023, Moving Histories: Bantu Language Expansions, Eclectic Economies, and Mobilities, The Journal of African History, 1, pp. 1–25. [Region].

- HAWTHORNE (D.), LAWSON (I.T.), DARGIE (G.C.), BOBKO (Y.E.), IFO (S.A.), GARCIN (Y.), SCHEFUß (E.), HILES (W.), JOVANI-SANCHO (A.J.), TYRRELL (G.), BIDDULPH (G.E.), BOOM (A.), CHASE (B.M.), GULLIVER (P.), PAGE (S.E.), ROUCOUX (K.H.), SJÖGERSTEN (S.), YOUNG (D.M.) & LEWIS (S.L.), 2023, Genesis and development of an interfluvial peatland in the central Congo Basin since the Late Pleistocene, Quaternary Science Reviews, 305, 107992. [Paleo].

- HONORÉ (E.), 2023, Les Néolithiques en Afrique : une terminologie importée et des concepts autonomes, Actes du 29e Congrès préhistorique de France, 31 mai-4 juin 2021, Toulouse, Société préhistorique française, Paris, pp. 45-58. [Region].

- LIVINGSTONE-SMITH (A.), RICQUIER (B.), JOIRIS (D.V.), NIEBLAS RAMIREZ (L.), KOPA WA KOPA (D.), TAKAMURA (S.) & CORNELISSEN (E.), 2023, Extracting the past from the present: Introduction, Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14. [Region].

- LOFTUS (E.), 2023, Radiocarbon Dating in African Archaeology, In BEYIN (A.), WRIGHT (D.K.), WILKINS (J.) & OLSZEWSKI (D.I.) (eds) Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa, Springer, Cham, pp. 1931–1941. [Region].

- LUPO (K.D.) & SCHMITT (D.N.), 2023, Recasting forest forager and food-producer population interaction as a pivotal prehistoric process of change, Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14. [Region].

- MATOUMBA (M.), 2023, Lazare Digombe, architecte de l'archéologie à l'Université Omar Bongo (1980-1990), in MESSI ME NANG (C.) & NYAMA (A.Z.) dir., 50 ans de recherche et d'enseignement de l'Histoire à l'Université Omar Bongo (1970-2020), L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 309-334. [Gabon].

- MEZOP TEMGOUA-NOUMISSING (A.L.), 2023, Distribution des pratiques mégalithiques actuelles et subactuelles et dynamique du peuplement dans le Faro au nord du Cameroun durant ces deux derniers siècles, Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14. [Cameroon]

- MESFIN (I.), BENJAMIM (M.-H.), LEBATARD (A.-E.), SAOS (T.), PLEURDEAU (D.), MATOS (J.), & LOTTER (M.), 2023, Evidence for Earlier Stone Age 'coastal use': The site of Dungo IV, Benguela Province, Angola, Plos One, 18(2): e0278775. [Angola].

*- MESFIN (I.), LEPLONGEON (A.), CABANÈS (J.), ANGUE ZOGO (M.-J.) & PLEURDEAU (D.), 2023, New technological considerations on some Lupemban museum collections from the Congo Basin, L'Anthropologie, 127, 4, [Region].

- MESFIN (I.), THIAM (D.), BEN AROUS (E.), MATONDA (I.) & BENJAMIM (M.-H.), 2023, Préhistoire de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : entre traditions de pensée et renouveaux épistémiques, l'Anthropologie, 127, 5, 103220. [Region].

- MESFIN (I.), THIAM (D.), BENJAMIM (M.-H.), DRESPRIPUTRA (E.O.), WISNUWARDHANA (E.O.D.), PLEURDEAU (D.) & OSLISLY (R.), 2023, Exemples de l'Earlier Stone Age en Afrique subsaharienne atlantique : les fondements pour une nouvelle "west side story" ? Actes du 29e Congrès préhistorique de France, 31 mai-4 juin 2021, Toulouse, Société préhistorique française, Paris, pp. 27-44. [Region].

- MEYONO-ILOUGOU (S.), 2023, Le site de Batanga centrale 2, dans la province de l'Ogooué-Maritime (Gabon) : approche typo-technologique du maté riel lithique récolté en surfaces, L’anthropologie, [Gabon].

- NIEBLAS RAMIREZ (L.), MULUMBWA LUNA (O.), NDJONDJO MANGA (J.-P.), MAYO ILODIRI (W.), MAMBU NSANGATHI (C.), NKULU KALWANIKA (S.), KOMBA YENDEMA (M.), CHAMPION (L.), CORNELISSEN (E.), NIKIS (N.), RICQUIER (B.), & LIVINGSTONE SMITH (A.), 2023, Mission 2022 du projet BANTURIVERS dans la province de la Tshopo (RDC) : Ubundu, Wanye-Rukula et Kisangani, Nyame Akuma, 99, pp. 35-42. [DRC].

- NIKIS (N.), 2023, Central African Copper, The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology, Oxford. Published online: 22 March 2022. [Region].

- OLIVEIRA (S.), FEHN (A.-M.), AMORIM (B.), STONEKING (M.) & ROCHA (J.), 2023, Genome-wide variation in the Angolan Namib Desert reveals unique pre-Bantu ancestry, Science Advances, 9, 22 September 2023. [Gene].

- PADILLA-IGLESIAS (C.), GROVE (M.) & BLINKHORN (J.), 2023, Ecological drivers of hunter-gatherer lithic technology from the Middle and Later Stone Age in Central Africa, Quaternary Science Reviews, 322. Available online 17 November 2023, [Region].

- PEREIRA (T.), OOSTERBEEK (L.), PLEURDEAU (D.), CAMARA (A.), BOCOUM (H.), THIAM (D.), ALABI (R.A.), KOTE (L.), TOUBGA (L.), BENJAMIM (M.H.), NANKELA (A.) & de MATOS (D.), 2023, The Middle Stone Age of Atlantic Africa: A critical review, L'Anthropologie, Available online 18 November 2023, 103209. [Region].

- PFENNIG (A.), PETERSEN (L.), KACHAMBWA (P.) & LACHANCE (J.), 2023, Evolutionary genetics and admixture in African populations, Genome Biology and Evolution 15(4).[Genetics].

- PIQUETE (V.), PEREIRA (T.), CUNHA RIBEIRO (J.P.) & de MATOS (D.), 2023, Early or Middle Stone Age? The lithic assemblage of Capangombe – Santo António, Namibe Province (Angola), L'Anthropologie, Available online 28 November 2023, [Angola, Region].

- RICQUIER (B.), NIEBLAS RAMIREZ (L.), LIVINGSTONE-SMITH (A.), TAKAMURA (S.), KOPA WA KOPA (D.) & Véronique JOIRIS (D.V.), 2023, Paths in the eastern Congo rainforest: Vernacular histories, colonial interpretations and linguistic data on the settlement of the lower Lualaba, Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14. [DRC].

- SCHMITT (D.N.), LUPO (K.D.), AMAYE (G.T.), NDANGA (J.-P.), NGUEREDE (L.-P.) & ZANA (H.), 2023, New Holocene Radiocarbon Dates from the Heart of the Sangha River Interval, Southwestern Central African Republic, Journal of African Archaeology, Online Publication Date: 28 Apr 2023. [CAR, Region].

- SEIDENSTICKER (D.) & JUNGNICKEL (K.), 2023, Early Food Production in the Congo Basin, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, Published online: 31 January 2023, [Region]

- TALLMAN (S.), DORES SUNGO (M.), SARANGA (S.) & BELEZA (S.), 2023, Whole genomes from Angola and Mozambique inform about the origins and dispersals of major African migrations, Nature Communications, 14:7967, Published online 2 December 2023, .[Genes, Region].

- TERRAZAS-MATA (A.), PÉREZ-MARTíNEZ (P.), CABADAS-BÁEZ (H.V.), CRUZ-Y-CRUZ (T.), MENÉNDEZ-IGLESIAS (B.), 2023, Middle Stone Age at Equatorial Guinea: Technical and use-wear analysis of lithic bifacial points, L'Anthropologie, [Equatorial Guinea & Region].

- TOLLO (E.C.), 2023, Approches comparative et analytique des pratiques funéraires anciennes à Mbanza Kongo (Province du Zaïre, Angola), Afriques - Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire, 14. [Angola] .
[Beware: It must be stated the content of this paper is based on unpublished reports which the author made use of without proper authorization]
[Avertissement : On doit insister sur le fait que le contenu de cet article repose entièrement sur des rapports non publiés pour lesquels l'auteur n'a pas obtenu les autorisations nécessaires]

- WISNUWARDHANA (E.O.D.), MESFIN (I.) & PLEURDEAU (D.), 2023, Technological analysis of the Baboungué collections, Central African Republic: New data on the Early Stone Age macro-tools, L'Anthropologie, Available online 18 November 2023. [CAR].

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