African Archaeology at : Field data, West Africa
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Field data : | African continent | Central Africa | East Africa | Indian Ocean | North Africa | Southern Africa | West Africa|

West Africa : Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, , Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo

> A Palaeolithic Cleaver from the Sahel: Freak or Fact? (by Anne Haour & Vicky Winton - published in Antiquity Vol 77 No 297 September 2003)

> Archaeological Research in Northeastern Nigeria

> Association des Amis de l'Art Rupestre Saharien

> A tale of two floodplains: comparative perspectives on the emergence of complex societies and urbanism in the middle Niger and Senegal valleys (paper by S.K.McIntosh, pdf format; in 2002, Development of Urbanism from a Global Perspective, Uppsala Universiteit, Uppsala)

> Aux origines de l'homme, les hominidés Abel et Toumaï (site of the "Les Amis de la Paléontologie au Tchad")

> Base d'Anthropologie physique du Niger (Institut de Recherches pour le Développement - IRD - database)

> Carnets d'Archéologie, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères [20 online exhibitions of french excavations in Africa and Arabia]

> Centre Régional Inter-Africain d'Archéologie (Mauritanie)

>CERAFIM : Céramique Africaine Imprimée (Afrique de l'ouest et Afrique)

> Chad-Cameroon development project (Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline) :
... Environmental Management Plan - Cameroon Portion
... Environmental Management Plan - Chad Portion

> Dabous Rock in the Air Mountains of Niger

> Du Nord au Sud du Sahara, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères [24 online exhibitions of excavations in Africa]

> Fragments of stone sculptures from Igbomina, Central Nigeria (by Aribidesi A. Usman - published in Antiquity Vol 78 No 299 March 2004)

> Genesis and development of settlements in the Guinea and savanna regions (paper by Bassey Andah, pdf format; in 2002, Development of Urbanism from a Global Perspective, Uppsala Universiteit, Uppsala)

> Hier et aujourd'hui, des poteries et des femmes (online exhibition on Mali pottery making - in french)

> Inagina, the last house of Iron (Mali)

> Kome to Ebome: Oil Pipeline Archaeology in Central Africa, 1999-2003 (Chad, Cameroon)

> Kpando Archaeological Project (Ghana)

> La céramique saharienne (hopefully a developping scientific network web site - not much here yet)

> Learning From Negative Evidence (fieldwork in Togo, West Africa)

> Le "Méga-Lac" Tchad révélé par télédétection (Chad, Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria)

> Les tumulus funéraires sénégambiens (Sénégal) Stéphane Pradines 1996

> Lost Tribes of the Green Sahara : How a dinosaur hunter uncovered the Sahara's strangest Stone Age graveyard (Niger - about the Gobero site)

> Mali Interactive

> Mandara Mountains Homepage (Cameroon and Nigeria)

> Méga-Tchad : Réseau international de recherches pluridisciplinaires dans le bassin du lac Tchad

> Ounjougou : Peuplement humain et paléoenvironnement en Afrique de l'Ouest (Mali)

> Peuplement humain en Afrique de l'Ouest (Geneva University program)

> Rice Archaeology, Homepage

> Sahara néolithique (in french -

> Sahara néolithique (in french -

> Searching for the origins of African rice domestication (by Shawn Sabrina Murray - published in Antiquity, Vol 78 No 300 June 2004)

> Stone circles of The Gambia

> The ancient West African city of Benin (AD 1300-1897)

> Toumaï, the face of the deep (Tchad) - a Nature production, with links to several papers in pdf format.

> "Toumaï l'Ancêtre des Humains" : dossier de presse (Tchad)

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